Donaustadt - A Socio-Spatial Profile of Housing Provision

What role does Donaustadt play in the system of Vienna's districts?

Donaustadt is Vienna's largest district, comprising about one fourth of the area of Vienna. Large parts of the district are not yet used intensively for business, industrial or housing purposes. They represent the largest reserves for urban development. The growth potential of the district is reflected in the development of the number of persons who have their main residence in this district. It increased by more than 13,000 persons in the period 2001 to 2006; this corresponds to an annual growth by more than 1.5%.

Is the population growing due to households moving there?

The population of Donaustadt grows predominantly because of the increased inflow of individuals and (young) families. Above all in the age groups "15 up to 25 years" and "35 up to 45 years" an above-average growth was registered in the last five years. The increase in the number of older persons is related to the demographic development of the local resident population.

Is Donaustadt a "family district"?

Almost two thirds (63%) of the total of 66,600 households in the 22nd district are family households. This is significantly above the average of all other districts of Vienna (43%). Children live in almost 40% of all households in Donaustadt. This group of households has steadily grown over the last years by 1.2% annually. Single households also increased, representing almost one third of all households.

How does the housing supply develop?

The increase in the number of individuals and households became possible as a result of the growing housing supply. In the period 2001 to 2006 the number of flats increased annually by almost 10%. In 2006 there were more than 76,000 housing units in this district. The housing categories "private flats and condominiums" and "subsidised flats" and flats owned by cooperative societies ("Genossenschaftswohnungen")" account for 29% each of the supply. About one fourth of the available flats are owned by the City of Vienna. The sector of owner-occupied houses and subsidised housing has developed extremely dynamically in Donaustadt over the past few years.

Where do families live?

Within the district, families with children prefer areas on the eastern fringe of the city that still allow the (cost-favourable) construction of owner-occupied houses on private land or, when they live in apartment blocs, regions close to attractive recreation areas (e.g. in the southern census tracts). Single households are increasingly found in the densely populated areas near the Danube and along the underground line U1.

Does the local distribution of flats reflect the household structure?

A local comparison shows that the distribution of housing units in terms of living space corresponds to the household structure. While small flats are located to an above-average extent in census tracts close to the centre, such as Kaisermühlen and Stadlau, more than 40% of all apartments in the eastern and southern fringe areas from Süßenbrunn to Biberhaufen have a living space of at least 90m².

How are the residents of Donaustadt integrated into the employment system?

In Donaustadt persons of working age (between 15 and 60 years) register an above-average integration into the employment system. This is reflected in the average number of days of employment (197 vs. 182 days on average in Vienna) and in the median of the monthly gross income from employment. Half of all the economically active residents of Donaustadt earn more than EUR 2,060 per month (Vienna: EUR 1,900).

Where do "those earning higher wages" live ....

The employment and income situation of the economically active residents varies greatly within the district. In new settlement areas (e.g. in Wulzendorf, Süßenbrunn, Airfield Aspern, Plankenmais, Breitenleer Stadtrandsiedlung) employment integration as well as the median incomes are well above the district average, exceeding the average of all districts of Vienna by up to EUR 700.

...and where do persons with below-average employment opportunities live?

In contrast, economically active persons living in the more densely populated areas with traditional (social) housing complexes (Mühlgrund- Neu-Stadlau, Neu-Kagran and Neuhaufen) register lower incomes, lower employment integration and above-average periods of unemployment.