Revison of open space qualities within the realisation process of new living quarters in Vienna.
Analysing the examples Eurogate and Nordbahnhof (1. construction phase)

Because of growing residential density in urban regions and a new understanding of public in urban environments, the relevance of open space in multiple storey residential buildings, as integrative part of a city‘s green and open space structure, increases. The diverse challenges that address open space in multiple storey residential buildings can only be accomplished through quality-focused design, a carefully fitting into the surrounding and through high standard maintenance.
The main objective of this research is a specific quality control of open spaces in residential buildings, to support Vienna‘s sustainable city development. For future developments in multiple storey housing, high standard open space needs to be created as part of an overall open space system.


The importance of high standard green and open space for housing complexes are without controversy and the commitment to build such spaces seems to be present in most instances – still, dissatisfying open space compositions in multiple storey buildings arise. Within the scope of the study deficits and weak spots in open space structures of living quarters in Vienna were detected. Subsequently it was determined why and when through the realisation processes the lack of open space quality occurred and what measures could prevent such negative developments.


Object of investigation was the open space of new government funded living quarters in Vienna as well as its planning and realisation process. Within the investigation qualitative research methods were applied. A detailed literature review of the professional discourse on open space functions and qualities in residential housing and their protection was conducted. Furthermore metropolitan concepts of open space’s sustainable development in residential buildings as well as criteria and general conditions for achieving open space qualities were examined. The study’s focus was to analyse two urban development projects, Eurogate and Nordbahnhof (1st construction phase, area of the public property development competition 2008). For gaining knowledge the open space of these two case studies were analysed. It was investigated what quality criteria are aspired, demanded and realised. Attention was also paid to the relevance that open space had within the realisation process.

Analysis and Results

Both investigated complexes present themselves as mainly high valued living quarters, offering functional and many-sided designed open spaces. In both cases open space is, related to the residential density, dimensioned tightly. However, both analysed quarters profit by their associated quarter parks that ease the resulting pressure of use and extend the utilisation spectrum.

The residential quarter Eurogate offers a high standard and multifunctional open space. Qualities seem to base on the high relevance the green and open space had within the urban development of the residential quarter as well as on the open space coordination, that the planning teams of the building sites participated in during the realisation phase. Eurogate’s open space is for the most part well equipped and well maintained, which highlights the attractive appearance of the residential quarter.

The open space structure of the Nordbahnhof’s 1st construction phase also comes with qualities on a small scale within the particular sites. A diverse variety of facilities for playing and movement makes the open space especially for families and young adults appealing. The investigated area shows a lack of connective open space elements, for instance a missing path structure with obvious hierarchies for internal and external area’s access or the hindered connection to the quarter park. Identity-building measures could have supported the forming of a spatial unity (area of the 1st construction phase). Deficits can be attributed to the default of developing and defining detailed basic parameters for green and open space during the strategic phase. Furthermore some important instruments that ensure the transmission of information during the planning process were not executed.

The research report’s analytical paragraph responds to the basic causes of open space qualities and of degradation of the case studies’ open space. Resultantly key factors are defined to secure and increase open space qualities within the realisation process of new residential quarters. Recommendations and measures are deduced that refer to the four process phases (strategic phase, conceptual phase, realisation phase, utilisation phase) and to the three planning levels (superordinate planning level – residential quarter, site overlapping planning level – building area, site level). In conclusion the report addresses some particular issues in detail because of their importance, recommendations are given.